In 1839, there were only 2,000 European called Pakeha by Maori in New Zealand.
But after concluded a treaty of Waitangi, immigrants from Britain increased suddenly.
From 1840 to 1860, 40,000 British immigrated into New Zealand.
So, the ratio of population of Maori and Pakeha almost became half-and-half.
Sudden increase of immigrants made demand for Maori’s estates fierce.
Due to lack of Maori’s resistance in the thinly populated South lands, Maori lost most of estates between 1844 and 1864.
Fertile North lands (Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki) owned by Maori were attractive to immigrants.
North lands Maori didn’t sell their estates easily.
So immigrants tried to take away Maori’s estates by force of arms. And Maori resisted by force of arms.
It became a Maori Wars (1680-72).
Maori War lasted for 12 years.
In the end, because of British great military strength and an overwhelming difference in numbers, Maori lost a war.In this way British dominance of New Zealand established.
In the end, because of British great military strength and an overwhelming difference in numbers, Maori lost a war.In this way British dominance of New Zealand established.
Because of increase of immigrants, ratio of Maori decreased and Maori became to be subjected to unfair differentiation. But Maori’s resistance lasted until 20 century.
In 1907 Maori became a dominion of Great Britain.
In 1947 Maori became independent.
In 1907 Maori became a dominion of Great Britain.
In 1947 Maori became independent.
British increase deepened British culture in New Zealand and a clear distinction was made between a white and Maori.
Today, Maori became official language in New Zealand, and being made an effort to blend Maori culture into daily life of New Zealand.
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